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Synthesis, Structure and Optical Properties of a Layered Ce Coordination Polymer
Chen Yaxu, Wang Xin, Guan Lei
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A layered coordination polymer, [Ce( L)(H 2O) 4] n ( 1), was synthesized by hydrothermal method by the reaction of 5⁃sulfoisophthalic acid monosodium salt (NaH 2 L) with cerium nitrate hexahydrate. Its molecular structure and composition were measured by single crystal diffraction, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry. Each Ce 3+ was nine coordinated with the coordination geometry of three⁃capped triangular prism. The central Ce 3+ could be bridged by the carboxylate and sulfonate groups of the L 3- ligands, forming a two⁃dimensional layered structure. The interlayers were connected by the hydrogen bonds between the coordination water molecules and oxygen atoms of functional groups, increasing the stability of the structure. The fluorescence measurement results show that compound 1 exhibits the characteristic fluorescence emission peak of the ligand at 427 nm. It also has the second⁃order nonlinear optical property, and its intensity is 0.7 times of that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP).

A layered coordination polymer, [Ce(L)(H2O)4]n (1), was synthesized by hydrothermal method by the reaction of 5⁃sulfoisophthalic acid monosodium salt (NaH2L) with cerium nitrate hexahydrate. Its molecular structure and composition were measured by single crystal diffraction, elemental analysis and thermogravimetry. Each Ce3+ was nine coordinated with the coordination geometry of three⁃capped triangular prism. The central Ce3+ could be bridged by the carboxylate and sulfonate groups of the L3- ligands, forming a two⁃dimensional layered structure. The interlayers were connected by the hydrogen bonds between the coordination water molecules and oxygen atoms of functional groups, increasing the stability of the structure. The fluorescence measurement results show that compound 1 exhibits the characteristic fluorescence emission peak of the ligand at 427 nm. It also has the second⁃order nonlinear optical property, and its intensity is 0.7 times of that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP).

2021, 41 (2): 8-12. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2021.02.002